Evergreen Recycling

ACI’s first entry into the green environment was the Evergreen Recycling Center, a design-build steel building dedicated to processing recyclable waste generated by the CityCenter project on the Las Vegas strip. The recycling facility was mandatory for CityCenter’s LEED Certification and time was of the essence. This state-of-the-art facility was constructed on an accelerated 6 days per week, 10 hours per day schedule and was completed in 6 months.

Honor Award; Special Purpose Industrial Category
Merit Award; Special Purpose Industrial Category
NAIOP, Southern Nevada Chapter Spotlight Awards

Information For

Information for Clients Information for Trade Partners
The Associated General Contractors Las Vegas

p. (702) 399-3330   •   f. (702) 399-1930   •   2975 W Lake Mead Blvd.   •   North Las Vegas, NV 89032

Lic. # NV 23287B Unlimited   •   NV 57821AB Unlimited   •   AZ 292182   •   CA 654102   •   NM 395713 GB98

We Build - You Benefit

p. (702) 399-3330
f. (702) 399-1930

2975 W Lake Mead Blvd.
North Las Vegas, NV 89032

Lic. # NV 23287B Unlimited
NV 57821AB Unlimited
AZ 292182   •   CA 654102   •   NM 395713 GB98

We Build - You Benefit The Associated General Contractors Las Vegas