Valley Hospital – Pharmacy Relocation

5,850 sf relocation of pharmacy within Valley Hospital, the main provider for all 6 hospitals within The Valley Health System. Two Swisslog BoxPicker® Automated Pharmacy Storage Systems were brought in to expedite prescriptions. Secure spaces for chemotherapy and IV drugs as well as proper positive and negative air handling was critical to this buildout.

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The Associated General Contractors Las Vegas

p. (702) 399-3330   •   f. (702) 399-1930   •   2975 W Lake Mead Blvd.   •   North Las Vegas, NV 89032

Lic. # NV 23287B Unlimited   •   NV 57821AB Unlimited   •   AZ 292182   •   CA 654102   •   NM 395713 GB98

We Build - You Benefit

p. (702) 399-3330
f. (702) 399-1930

2975 W Lake Mead Blvd.
North Las Vegas, NV 89032

Lic. # NV 23287B Unlimited
NV 57821AB Unlimited
AZ 292182   •   CA 654102   •   NM 395713 GB98

We Build - You Benefit The Associated General Contractors Las Vegas